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How to fix roman blind kits

Fixing Roman Blinds Kits

Roman blinds are probably the least complicated styles of blinds and when it comes to fixing them it's usually due to the operating cords becoming tangled or because one or more of the eyelet loops (guides) has broken allowing the cord to escape from its guide. Fixing Roman blind kits is an easy process it only requires a few tools and a little patience.

Keep in mind that this advice is for a roman blind made using a ready made roman blind kit. For any issues with made to measure roman blinds, we would always ask you to contact our customer service team, rather than make any fixes or changes yourself. 

12 simple steps to fixing a Roman blind kit:

Tools required:

Screwdriver, Scissors, Needle and cotton, New eyelet (guide) loops, if applicable, New cord, if applicable, Carpenter's glue, if applicable, Wooden toothpicks, if applicable


Using a screwdriver remove the blind from its wall fixing. Remove the cord toggle and keep in a safe place if using again. Lay the blind out flat (wrong side up) and give close inspection to see if any of the eyelet loops are damaged and need replacing. If the cord is tangled try and untangle it without unthreading the cord. If you can do this it will save a lot of time and you possibly won't have to do any more than rehang the blind. If it's impossible to untangle the cord or there are eyelets which need replacing look closely at how the cords are threaded, this will help when it comes to rethreading.

Remove the cord systematically, starting with the shortest cord - this is the one nearest to the side the blind operates until you reach the eyelet that needs replacing. Once the cord/s have been removed replace any broken or damaged eyelet using a needle and cotton to stitch them firmly into place. Be careful not to pucker the fabric, you only need to attach the eyelet to the tape; however, you shouldn't stitch them so tightly that they aren't able to move slightly to when operating the blind. Once all damaged or broken eyelet have been replaced it's time to start rethreading the cord.

Begin with the longest cord - this is the one on the opposite side to where the blind is operated. Securely tie the cord to the bottom eyelet and thread the cord through all of the vertical eyelets, making your way up the blind. Once at the top continue to tread the cord through all the guide eyelets running horizontally across the top batten. Leave approximately 36ins of cord to hang down for operating. Work your way across the blind taking an individual length of cord for each section/guide tape.

Once the entire blind has been threaded tie the cords together loosely to stop them from becoming tangled and prevent them from slipping back through the eyelets. Re-fix the blind to the wall mounting with the blind fully open. Pull the cords all at the same time to make sure the blind is working correctly. Securely tie all of the cords together when the blind is fully opened and cut to the same length, re-fix the end toggle or use a new one. If the batten eyelets have worked loose, you can either use a little carpenter's glue to hold them in place or use small pieces of wooden toothpicks to make the hole smaller (in much the same way you'd use a rawl plug in a wall, the pieces of toothpick will give the eyelet screw something to grab onto to make it secure). That's it! Follow these 12 easy steps and your Roman blind will work and hang correctly at your window.

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