Fiona Reid is a freelance journalist specialising in property, interiors and architecture, sharing her writing on her design blog Copperline, from Edinburgh. Fiona has been writing about design for over seventeen years, working for newspapers and magazines all over the UK. What started as a mild-interest soon become a strong passion. She regularly writes for Scotland on Sunday’s at Home supplement and The Scotsman’s property pages, to name just a few. So we are proud to bring you the Designer Insights of Fiona Reid.
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1) In your own words describe your unique style and creative aesthetic?
My personal style is very simple: I prefer textures to using colour, so will mix textural fabrics – knits and linens and tweeds – with timber and stone finishes, with a touch of metallic thrown in.
2) When starting a new project, what is your creative process?
I’m always looking for interiors and architectural projects to write about, so I spend time online scanning through websites for something that catches my eye. One photo can pull me in.
3) Out of the creative people you have worked with, who is it that you respect and admire the most?
At the moment I’m inspired by bloggers and design writers, people who have started writing about a subject they feel passionate about, and that process has evolved into a must-read blog or website, like The Design Files. I’m also constantly inspired by photographers I follow on Instagram –urban and landscape photographers.
4) When looking for inspiration is there a particular thing you do to get inspired?
I’m always looking on Instagram or Steller or Pinterest. Great photography and design is inspiring, and I need that visual ‘hit’ to write. And yoga, always yoga! I think better with yoga.
5) What has brought you to this point in your career? And what is your advice for people looking to follow in your footsteps?
I’ve been a print journalist for 20 years and now I’m shifting increasingly towards sharing content online and on Steller. Technology has changed things. So, most importantly, find a subject you feel passionate about. I do believe you write best about the things you connect with, and then other people connect too.