Natasha Marshall is a leading textile designer, with her eponymous design studio, based in Glasgow. Natasha loves to create contemporary graphic designs and surface patterns for wallpapers and fabrics, with the aim of adding colour to British homes with her curtains, blinds and soft furnishings. She ultimately aims to create beautiful, calm and peaceful environment for her customers. Natasha also runs the company with her husband Neil Fullerton. So we are proud to bring you the Designer Insights of Natasha Marshall.
Image Credit: 1-5) Natasha Masrahll
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1) In your own words describe your unique style and creative aesthetic?
We create contemporary graphic designs for fabrics & wallpaper to use throughout your home, showcasing the best of British design & manufacturing.
2) When starting a new project, what is your creative process?
A theme - Designs are then created with inspiration being gathered from a wide range of sources including photos we have taken out & about and drawing with pens, inks, lino etc.
3) Out of the creative people you have worked with, who is it that you respect and admire the most?
Working with ‘Arte’ in Belgium who create some of the most beautiful and inventive wall coverings in the industry. It was wonderful to see how they created such unusual techniques through to finished product without loosing any of the overall appearance on the wall - magical. Through our ‘design studio’ work we get to work with many of the leading brands in the UK and Europe.
4) When looking for inspiration is there a particular thing you do to get inspired?
I feel inspired every day walking through a city, the countryside or exhibition. I take photos virtually every day of the year of textures, pattern or colour that inspire me.
5) What has brought you to this point in your career? And what is your advice for people looking to follow in your footsteps?
The love of creating simple graphic designs that enhance an architectural space in which they are placed as curtains, blinds, cushions or lampshades. Creating Iconic designs which will be loved for years to come. Have your own distinct handwriting and patience. Be yourself and love going out to meet customers.