Megan Gilger and her husband Mike have crafted the creative playground that is The Fresh Exchange, a space for honesty, passion and inspiration. They founded the website in 2009 as a catalog of all of the things that inspire them and as a way to give back to the creative community. They are are designers, photographers, tastemakers and creative directors that have worked with Over, Mcclure’s Pickles, White Whale Bold Mixers, and other lifestyle brands. So we are proud to bring you the Designer Insights of Megan Gilger.
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1) In your own words describe your unique style and creative aesthetic?
My style has always been about simple, classic, well-lived in, uncomplicated, quality, and with a touch of natural and worldly flair.
2) When starting a new project, what is your creative process?
As graphic designers we always begin with the story behind the design we are creating. What do they want the world to understand when they look at their logo and brand? What sets them apart from the others?
3) Out of the creative people you have worked with, who is it that you respect and admire the most?
My husband. He is my business partner and the most inspiring person in my life. There is no way I would have achieved half the things in life thus far without him. He puts me on track and challenges me to expect the best of myself. He also works harder than anyone I know.
4) When looking for inspiration is there a particular thing you do to get inspired?
I travel. There is nothing more inspiring than experiencing a new city or shop whether far away or close to home.
5) What has brought you to this point in your career? And what is your advice for people looking to follow in your footsteps?
Hard work and trusting my gut. As an entrepreneur you aren’t given a road map this means you have to work hard, make mistakes, and listen to your gut. That’s all you got besides your talent and vision. Make these things work in your favor.